Yoni Massage

Yoni Massage 2018-03-27T12:03:29+00:00

Yoni Massage

Yoni – is the Sanskrit word for vagina, a meaning that holds love and honour, she is called “Sacred Space”.

Unfortunately, Western Society like to put labels on things and the Yoni seems to be an isolated part of the beautiful body. It functions in life kind of gets a little misguided and is often referred to as pleasure, sexual gratification, sexual relationships and reproducing.

The Yoni has the timeless wisdom to share – She has a voice!

Ladies – utilize this powerhouse, explore your femininity. Pleasure and healing come hand in hand, as our bodies relax and release withheld trauma and tension.

Yoni massage has no goals; it is a very present experience of the senses. Therefore orgasms and climax are not an aim, it may or not…

If orgasm does occur it is a healing experience rather than sexual.

The Benefits of Yoni Massage

  • The whole body will become more erogenous , sensitive , pleasurable , orgasmic

  • Increased awareness and sensations specifically in the Yoni

  • Experiencing different and new kinds of orgasms and orgasmic states healing and releasing past pain and trauma

  • Learning how to recognize , deepen , lengthen and expand orgasms improving or overcoming conditions like frigidity , low libido , vaginismus , irregular menstruation , dryness of the vagina.
  • Personal empowerment and growth – A sexually open and orgasmic woman will feel strong and empowered

  • Opening energy channels ( Nadis/Meridians) throughout the body and waking up the Kundalini Shakti – the flow of energy from the base of the spine to the crown of the head
  • Higher states of conscience , stillness , transcendence , dissolution , oneness
  • All these positives hold priceless importance to bring women in tune with her womanhood , to open the doorways that reveal a strong , open , sexually empowered , sensual woman ….