Lingam Massage

Lingam Massage 2018-03-27T12:01:46+00:00

Lingam Massage

As various techniques and movements to stimulate all areas of the genitalia. Lingam massage is a spiritual experience it allows feelings of liberation and freedom for your mind as well as your body…

Lingam – is the Sanskrit word for penis, otherwise known as “Wand of Light”. It is considered a channel or pathway for both pleasure and sexual energy.

This intimate experience creates a respectful bond and union of spiritual energies. Sensual feelings of intense arousal engulf your body in waves of ecstasy. It has been described as feeling like there are rising waves that peak and crash around, building, soaring high with frequencies of high intensity. As the energy builds up a natural feel good and endorphins and serotonin are generously dispersed.The sensual levels of energy flow freely without resistance, sharing and surrender isn’t an option. Ultimately, as the Kundalini energy pulsates, your body experiences involuntary shock-waves of ecstatic overwhelming feelings of pleasure!